As a person passionate about environmental protection and concerned about the damage that human behaviours have caused to nature, the HIWWT's unique contribution toward protecting local wildlife and inspiring people to care about nature attracted me. I always wish to contribute fundamentally to environmental protection and am interested in learning about different species and plants. Hence, I applied for this opportunity with the HIWWT and lucky I got the offer and joined the ecology team at the end of March.
My time at the HIWWT was amazing! My main task was assisting with fieldwork and surveys, which was entirely new for me, and I was very much looking forward to it.
The first few surveys that I was involved in were newt surveys. The survey was carried out with three types of sampling: torching, netting and egg searching. We first used a torch to look through the ponds searching for newts, then used the net to gently disturb the bottom of the ponds and filter out any material to see if we had caught any newts. The newt surveys were in the evening, so it was a bit challenging, but as I got more familiar with the process, it became much easier, and I could identify some newts and handle them myself (under the supervision of a licenced colleague).