Team Wilder Resources and Toolkits

New Forest landscape

© Peter Emery

Team Wilder Resources and Toolkits

We're here to help

Need some guidance with your Team Wilder initiatives? Want some ideas for things to do to help nature's recovery? We have a growing list of resources and toolkits to help you out right here. Many other charities and organisations have great resources that we've listed here, too. Click the links below to find resources that are best suited to where you are in your wilder journey.

Individual Actions

Free advice on making space for nature: We recognise that making space for nature is often more easily said than done and can be daunting for those just starting out on their wilder journey. Our Wilder Garden Champions are here to help you. They are gardening volunteers, vetted and trained by the Trust who will be able to give you free personal advice on how to make your spaces wilder that will benefit both you and nature.

Find out more

Read our other pages on taking individual action for nature:

Create a Wilder Community Group

You may identify with several different communities. You can leverage your connections with groups that you are already a part of and encourage them to become part of Team Wilder. We have resources for different types of community groups.

Setting up a Wilder Community Group

If you'd like to start a completely new community group or strengthen its ties, these resources are for you.

Wilder Projects

How would your community most like to make space for nature? Here're a list of projects that might give you some inspiration. We recommend starting with one project and building on that. 

Community Group Engagement Activities

To help you engage with your wider community and host some fun events, we have several ideas for you.

Campaign Activities

Resources coming soon

Is something missing?

Please email with any questions or comments on existing toolkits and with any ideas for new toolkits we could provide you with.

Email Team Wilder